[과거 자료]
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for providing nutritious meals and snacks to the children and older adults or chronically impaired persons with disabilities in their care.
As part of their regular care, children and adults receive nutritious meals and snacks at child care centers and homes that participate in CACFP. Child care centers, adult day care centers, day care homes, afterschool care centers, and emergency shelters receive cash reimbursement for serving meals and snacks that meet Federal nutritional guidelines to eligible children and adult participants.
Centers and day care homes may be approved to claim reimbursement for serving up to two meals and one snack to each eligible child or adult participant, each day. Emergency shelters may serve up to 3 meals per day. At-risk afterschool care centers may serve up to one meal and one snack per day.
CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, and/or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to eligible children and adult participants.
In day care homes, all meals are served free. Day care home providers that serve children in low income areas, or meet low income eligibility requirements themselves, receive higher levels of reimbursement.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for providing nutritious meals and snacks to the children and older adults or chronically impaired persons with disabilities in their care.
As part of their regular care, children and adults receive nutritious meals and snacks at child care centers and homes that participate in CACFP. Child care centers, adult day care centers, day care homes, afterschool care centers, and emergency shelters receive cash reimbursement for serving meals and snacks that meet Federal nutritional guidelines to eligible children and adult participants.
Centers and day care homes may be approved to claim reimbursement for serving up to two meals and one snack to each eligible child or adult participant, each day. Emergency shelters may serve up to 3 meals per day. At-risk afterschool care centers may serve up to one meal and one snack per day.
CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, and/or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to eligible children and adult participants.
In day care homes, all meals are served free. Day care home providers that serve children in low income areas, or meet low income eligibility requirements themselves, receive higher levels of reimbursement.
미국에서는 Child and Adults Care Food Program (called as CACFP)가 각 주마다 있어 저소득층이나, shelter 에 있는 사람들에게 균형잡힌 식사를 제공해주는 형식으로 지원되는 정부 프로그램이 주마다 있음.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for providing nutritious meals and snacks to the children and older adults or chronically impaired persons with disabilities in their care.
As part of their regular care, children and adults receive nutritious meals and snacks at child care centers and homes that participate in CACFP. Child care centers, adult day care centers, day care homes, afterschool care centers, and emergency shelters receive cash reimbursement for serving meals and snacks that meet Federal nutritional guidelines to eligible children and adult participants.
Centers and day care homes may be approved to claim reimbursement for serving up to two meals and one snack to each eligible child or adult participant, each day. Emergency shelters may serve up to 3 meals per day. At-risk afterschool care centers may serve up to one meal and one snack per day.
CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, and/or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to eligible children and adult participants.
In day care homes, all meals are served free. Day care home providers that serve children in low income areas, or meet low income eligibility requirements themselves, receive higher levels of reimbursement.
비즈니스 보다도 국가 차원에서 이루어지는 프로그램/ 소득층에 따라 지원내는 프로그램 및 혜택
미국에서는 저당 , 저나트륨 비즈니스는 어떻게 운영되고 있는지 다르게 접근 해봐야할 것 같음.
U.S Food Market Size
ChatgPt한테 물어보니, 영어로는 specialty food industry 라고 하는데? 구글링 하니까 막상 그런 관련된 정보는 limited 함. 미국은 원래부터 굉장히 diversity 하기 때문에, 애초부터 packaged food 나, 실제 레스토랑에서도 주문을 받을 때, 굉장히 detailed하게 소스라던지, 알러지 있는 음식, 혹은 피해야하는 음식 같은 것들을 사전에 주문을 받기 때문에 어느정도 customed diet 가 제공이가능해서 인지 한국 처럼 케어푸드 (저당식품,저나트륨 같은 것들이) 트랜드하게 발달하진 않은게 아닌가? 싶음) > 이부분은 조금더 리서치해야할 부분임.
Some says, hospital/healthcare food 라고도 해서, 관련된 내용을 물어보니 우리 한국의 케어푸드와 비슷한 맥락이 있는것 같음. 관련해서 다른 분들의 인풋을 듣고싶음. Main target 이 당뇨환자? 고령환자?
B2C 영역이 어느정도 커지고 있는지? : 현재 1)현대그린푸드 그리팅 2)일동후디스 케어메이트 3)CJ프레쉬에이 - 헬씨누리
현대그린푸드 : 그리팅 (당뇨식단,암환자식단,저당식단,칼로리식단,장수마을식단,고단백식단)
일동후디스 : 케어메이트 - 하이뮨 단백질음료 (균형영양식, 균형당뇨식)
CJ프레쉬에이 : 헬씨누리 - B2B로 진행해서, 자사몰 같은게 없음. 브랜딩보다는 보육원,기관 쪽에 초점 맞추어 그리팅과 맞불 작전을 피하는 것으로 보임.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes for providing nutritious meals and snacks to the children and older adults or chronically impaired persons with disabilities in their care.
As part of their regular care, children and adults receive nutritious meals and snacks at child care centers and homes that participate in CACFP. Child care centers, adult day care centers, day care homes, afterschool care centers, and emergency shelters receive cash reimbursement for serving meals and snacks that meet Federal nutritional guidelines to eligible children and adult participants.
Centers and day care homes may be approved to claim reimbursement for serving up to two meals and one snack to each eligible child or adult participant, each day. Emergency shelters may serve up to 3 meals per day. At-risk afterschool care centers may serve up to one meal and one snack per day.
CACFP reimburses centers at free, reduced-price, and/or paid rates for eligible meals and snacks served to eligible children and adult participants.
In day care homes, all meals are served free. Day care home providers that serve children in low income areas, or meet low income eligibility requirements themselves, receive higher levels of reimbursement.